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Kali Yuga Logbook, entry #26 – September 10th, 2022 – A note on the Sweden Democrats

Dear Logbook,

I don’t often get pleasant surprises in politics. But I recently watched the new campaign film [1] from the Sweden Democrats (SD) for the election tomorrow (September 11th).

The video gave me a jolt of inspiration. Enough to write some notes about the election, and SD in particular.

Some background details

SD is a populist anti-immigration party. It was founded in 1988 and achieved no significant results until the election in 2010. No other anti-immigration party has gotten significant results since the early ’90s (and that was Ny Demokrati, a pointless carnie party).

In the 2010 election, SD got 5.7% of the vote and were admitted to the Swedish Parliament (the threshold is 4%). This completely changed Swedish politics (more about that later).

In 2014 they got 12.9% and in 2018 they got 17.5% of the vote. Pretty much everyone on the Right was disappointed by the slow progress. It was a sign that Svensson (the average Swede) might never wake up!

However, in a recent poll by Sentio, SD are projected to get around 24% in this election, which would make them the biggest party in Sweden. Even slightly ahead of the Social Democrats (according to that particular poll).

As I’m writing this, the day before the election, it’s still an extremely even fight between the left-of-center and the right-of-center blocs. It could go either way.

Source: SVT (September 10th, 2022)

Now, if the Right (using the term loosely) would win, then SD would be the biggest party in the bloc. Normally, that would have given them the Prime Minister position. But there is nothing normal about modern politics…

With the Left and Right joining forces to keep SD cordoned off from polite company, all the other parties would rather die than accept a Prime Minister from SD.

However, a victory for the Right-leaning bloc would still be a huge win for SD — and for nationalism in general.

It would mean that the other Right-of-center parties would be forced to work with SD, because they wouldn’t be able to govern without SD’s approval. It would give SD more legitimacy than they ever had before.

More importantly, it would send a clear message that the Swedes are fed up with mass immigration. And everyone would read that message loud and clear.

The moral of the story: You can’t ignore people who oppose mass immigration.

Right-wing attitudes about SD

Are the Sweden Democrats über-cucks? Yes. They have been all-too eager to purge their own party from “radical” elements in order to suck up to the political establishment that hates them.

Are they cringe? Definitely.

Are they ideologically “our guys”? I doubt it (even in private).

But that doesn’t matter. Because the mass media will still call them “Nazis” and the journalists will still portray them as more radical than they actually are.

So when Swedes are voting for them, the intention is clear: We want mass immigration to stop!

That is the message that everyone gets when they see the election result.

That was also what happened in 2010, when SD got in to parliament for the first time. Attitudes changed overnight. Before the election, mass immigration was not even considered a legitimate issue of concern. In fact, the mainstream narrative would deny that mass immigration was real!

I personally encountered a number of middle-class individuals who never would have discussed immigration as a problem. Almost immediately after the election, those attitude changed. Mass immigration was now a topic that could be discussed like any other, even in civilized company (at least in private).

Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t a miracle. It was still a taboo topic in public. But it was no longer unthinkable.

In the 12 years since then, attitudes have changed even further. If SD becomes the biggest party in Sweden, you can bet that those attitudes will change even more. For the better.

Anyhow, let’s get back to the campaign video I mentioned in the beginning of this post.

Back to the campaign video

Right-wing politics has always been a balancing act. Between the white nationalists who have usually been all-too happy to play the role of the villain, on the one hand. (The anti-social outcasts. What I sometimes call the Jerry Springer Right — the freak show.) And the “nice guy” populists, on the other hand — the “civic nationalists” who are apologetic about their own politics. The cucks.

None of these two options work, for obvious reasons.

So where does SD fit into the balancing act?

In the past they have been embarrassingly cucky. They have been servile and disgusting. Purging their own party of anyone who actually believed in anything. They have gone out of their way to be accepted by the people who hate them. People who essentially want them dead.

Now, I have no reason to believe that their fundamental attitude has changed. But this latest video is on point. Nothing short of a work of genius. In fact the best campaign video I have ever seen. It has given me some hope that SD will energize a nationalist Zeitgeist. (I’m not saying that is their intention; I’m sayin that could be the effect.)

The video manages to be straight forward and say all the right things without making the average viewer uncomfortable. It’s just solid marketing. Let me give you a few examples:

There are no non-white “tokens” in the video. It’s all Swedes. (I had expected SD to use a few swarthy alibis.)

The narrator (Jimmie Åkesson, party chairman) says, “Swedes don’t burn cars; Swedes build cars.” That says it all. It’s not “in your face” but everyone gets the point. The real Swedes are known all over the world for building quality cars. The “new Swedes” are known for burning cars.

The video appeals to the people (the “normies”) without being goofy. Including images of vikings and Caroleans [2]— which is difficult!

Most importantly, it presents a vision of Sweden that only a lunatic would disagree with. It’s the normal Sweden that we all want.

Dirty tricks from the media

Of course, the Swedish mainstream media is up to its usual dirty tricks, trying to nudge the readers into making the “right” decision. The state-owned public service channel, SVT, paid by the tax payers, is usually even worse than the openly leftist papers.

The purpose of public service is supposedly that it provides quality news from a somewhat neutral point of view. In reality… not so much.

SVT is doing everything it can to smear SD. To make them look less than respectable. To present them as tainted.

Just compare these two headlines from SVT.

Source: SVT (Aug. 28th, 2022)

They used to be political opponents – now Malena and Mohammad are married

A happy love story about a white-looking (thus relatable) man named Mohammad and a woman named Malena. Mohammad Hassan is from from the Liberals and Malena Ranch is from the Green Party (Miljöpartiet). This is what Swedes call a sunshine story.

Isn’t it cute?

Over to a SVT headline about SD.

Source: SVT (Aug. 26th, 2022)

289 candidates connected to Right-wing extremism

It reads like a warning sticker on a pack of cigarettes. “You risk getting cancer if you associate with these people!” You can almost hear the ominous horror music in the background.

This is predictable. But I hope that more people will see through this kind of mass media manipulation if SD becomes the biggest party, and if the Social Democrats lose the election. The mainstream media will lose legitimacy in the process.

It will certainly become more difficult to marginalize all voters who are critical of mass immigration if those voters support the largest party in the country.

A moral victory

No matter what the result will be in tomorrow’s election, it will be a moral victory for the Right. In spite of the mass media machine working on full blast to cover up the disaster of mass immigration, we the people are objecting louder than ever.

Trump and Brexit gave a much-needed energy boost to the Right — they gave attention and legitimacy to the masses in favour of nations and borders. Even if only on a moral level. In the same way, SD’s growing popularity makes sure that we who oppose the great replacement can’t be ignored.

First of all, this is about a shift in discourse — about what the average man is comfortable thinking and saying.

So, don’t be stupid. Don’t expect a miracle. But enjoy the small victories. We’re moving in the right direction.

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