Kulchur Lodge Radio #30 | Kali Yulega Special with guests: American Krogan, Charlemagne, Endeavour & Semiogogue.
Kulchur Lodge Radio is an AMA hangout that streams live [1] on Guide to Kulchur.
(Click here [3] to download the episode.)
Recorded December 25th, 2021. Topics:
➣ Families fighting over Covid at Christmas
➣ Conservative death by halves
➣ Leftists will never stop destroying, the train has no brakes
➣ The white genocide question
➣ Fake peer pressure & mind control
➣ Videogames & brainwashing techniques
➣ Soul-searching and moments of doubt
➣ People are afraid of ritual persecution
➣ Kyle Rittenhouse and mass media lynching
➣ The Jerry Springer Right
➣ The medium becomes the message, the problem with livestreams and videos
➣ The three levels of propaganda
➣ The Christian revolutionary spirit
➣ Leftism as puritan hysteria
➣ Racial borderline personality disorder
➣ Expectations about the future
➣ Should we move to the Third World?
➣ Was the Flu World Order created by design/conspiracy or opportunism?
➣ The modern world makes life trivial and unbearable
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