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Merry Christmas!
And a Livestream

Christmas Eve, 2023.

Christmas is the most European holiday. It’s also my favourite holiday.

It has survived several attempts to stamp it out by religious fanatics through the centuries. And modern attacks by other “grinches”.

But the European peoples love their Christmas — or Yule/jul/jól, etc., as we call it according to old custom up North.

We refuse to abandon it.

(The Nordic “jul” and modern “Christmas” aren’t exactly the same thing, but more about that another time. I use “Christmas” for convenience.)

Even modern capitalism has not managed to transform it into a shopping holiday. Young people are digging into tradition to celebrate an authentic Christmas.

More than anything, Christmas is a holiday for the children. We integrate new generations into our family traditions, and they love it.

Christmas is when we gather around our relatives (whether we like them or not). Perhaps we haven’t seen them since last Christmas. But this is how we stay in touch. It’s all about family.

In the dark time of the year, we slow down to think. We reflect on the year that has gone by and what has changed. We are reminded of the divine. Christmas is the holiday of the most sacred.

Finally, Christmas is the time of gratitude and giving.

I want to thank you for helping me do this vital work in 2023.

We have not reached our funding goal for this year (we’re not even close). It has been a tough year, but we have accomplished a lot with what we have.

And it’s all thanks to you.

(We’re defiant, just like Christmas.)

I hope you continue reading, listening to, and watching my work next year (and the remaining week of this one). We still have a lot to do.

Time to get busy.

Merry Christmas!



You can join me for a livestream tonight (Dec. 24th).

I’ll be on “Millenniyule” at:
5pm US Eastern / 22:00 London / 23:00 Stockholm

You’ll find the livestream here, among other places:
https://odysee.com/@millennialwoes [1]

Please join us in the chat!


🎁 🎄 This show depends on your support. Here’s how you can send a Christmas present:

  1. Send donation through Odysee [2] (hit “$ Support”).
  2. Send crypto. Find addresses on my Donate [3] page. If you don’t see the particular currency you want to send, email me. I’ll set it up.
  3. Send cash to P.O. Box in U.S. Email me for details: kaliyugalogbook [at] proton.me
  4. Email me if you have any questions.