The Fire of Tradition: How to Transcend the Axial Age
NEW INTERVIEW – available now for members!
Interview with Mike from Imperium Press. Recorded Jan. 1, 2022.
Topics include:
➣ Culture bearers
➣ Punk culture, challenging the establishment
➣ Alan Sokal and academic trolling
➣ The cultural left is a spent force
➣ Culture matters more than political power
➣ Academics are talking about dissidents
➣ Praxis is more important than doctrine
➣ Schopenhauer & the limits of rationality
➣ Man as a social creature, real-world networks
➣ Mike’s philosophical journey
➣ The “neoreactionary” movement
➣ From the Axial Age to liberalism
➣ Paganism as Metaphysics
➣ The concrete-particular vs. the abstract-universal
➣ The traditional spirit will be reborn
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Great content! Keep up the good work!
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