Only two days left
December 30, 2024
Only two days left
(fundraiser update)
We’re getting close to our goal, but we need a final boost.
Last night I sat down to add up all the donations that have come in since I announced the fundraiser on October 19th.
I was surprised by how far we have come. Just a couple of weeks ago it looked like we were going to fail for sure.
Since then, many of you have stepped up. So last night when I added up the numbers, I started seeing a realistic chance that we’ll reach the goal. Thank you for that.
Then, this morning, our loyal friend Dienekes Ghost sent another generous donation of 500 USD. That brings us even closer to the goal.
If you remember, I asked you a couple of months ago if you wanted me to do a fundraiser — first, to do DECAMERON Film Festival, and then do the work that needs to be done in 2025.
You said “yes, do the fundraiser“. So I did.
I set the bar at 10,000 EUR for the end-of-year fundraiser. That is to continue the Scandza Forum and GTK Radio (Guide to Kulchur) in 2025.
I know it’s a modest goal. Other organizations raise hundreds of thousands of dollars/euros per year.
But this is the bare minimum we need to continue work with the channel and set up a conference in 2025.
I have already started organizing the next conference. The bills have started coming in.
I can put in the work that’s needed. I can put in the time, plan everything, organize and coordinate with all speakers. But I can’t cover the expenses without your help.
It has to be a group effort.
That’s why I started the end-of-year fundraiser.
Also in 2025….
I will continue doing the Weekly Roundup every Tuesday.
I will start a new weekly show for members.
I will bring back the First Principles series (by popular demand).
I will write and record extensively on geopolitics.
I will dissect the new Trump-Musk style of “Right wing” politics.
And more…
Keep in mind that we have entered an era of mainstream “Right wing” politics. A certain brand of populism has become the new establishment.
That can be a good thing. But it’s only a good thing if we make it so. Because the new mainstreaming also comes with huge risks.
The risk is that everyone stops caring about real issues because they think “we’ve already got it under control”.
People start hearing some of their concerns addressed by the mainstream, so they think society is back on track.
But it’s not.
There is a lot of work left to do. You could even say that the real work starts now.
It’s more important than ever that we keep the pressure on.
You have already seen how our talking points have trickled down into the mainstream. That means we can influence things.
In other words, it would be irresponsible to stop now as we are starting to notice real change in the debate.
There is a huge risk that the whole thing gets derailed if we don’t keep pushing a truthful discussion.
But the bottom line is this…
You have every reason to be optimistic about current developments, so let’s make sure we are even more influential in 2025.
The fact is, if we don’t do everything we can to improve the political debate, we have no right to complain if it goes to hell.
That brings us back to the end-of-year fundraiser.
When I added up the numbers today, I concluded that we have raised 7,165 EUR. (Currencies go up and down every day, and EUR and USD are almost exactly equal now, so to keep it simple, I have added up USD and EUR as the same.)
That means we have raised almost three quarters of 10,000 EUR.
We have two days left to raise 2,835 EUR.
It can be done. It’s realistic.
The biggest donation during this campaign is from Mr. Roboto. He has given 100 USD every week plus a few extra donations.
His donations during the end-of-year fundraiser total USD 2,200. That means he has taken us almost a quarter of the way to the goal, just by himself.
If another donor would match Mr. Roboto’s gift, that would almost be enough to reach the finish line.
Other supporters have also sent generous donations — too many to list here by name. I want to thank everyone who has done so.
We have to raise 2,835 EUR in the next 48 hours.
If one donor sends that amount, we reach our goal for 2024.
If three donors send 1000 each, we reach the goal.
If six donors send 500 each, we reach the goal.
If twelve donors send 250 each, we reach the goal.
If 30 donors send 100 each, we reach the goal.
This can be done, so let’s do it. Please help out if you can.
Thank you for your generous support. Together, we can pull this off.
Here’s how you can send a donation:
Go to the donation page for a full list of options. Here are a couple of examples:
- Send donation through Odysee (hit “$ Support”).
- Send crypto. Find addresses on my Donate page. If you don’t see the particular currency you want to send, email me. I’ll set it up.
- Contact me if you have any questions.
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