Announcing the Great Debate: Is Race an Important Reality or a Fiction?
Finally! This is the moment we have all been waiting for since early 2020. The debate between Jared Taylor and E. Michael Jones will take place this Saturday, August 21, and you are all invited!
Many people, even on the Right, claim that race doesn’t really exist.
E. Michael Jones has a Ph.D. in American Literature, is the author of numerous books dealing with the downfall of the West, is a prominent spokesman for Catholicism, and has a huge following on the Right.
When I heard interviews with him where he said things like “race is a fiction,” that only Christianity can explain the massive differences between Europe and Africa, and that language alone defines ethnicity, I immediately wanted to invite him to a debate at one of my events, because these are some astonishing claims!
And who better to debate him than Jared Taylor?
The original promo video can be seen on Odysee and BitChute.
Both men kindly accepted my invitation and were scheduled for a live debate at the Scandza Forum in May 2020, on the topic: “Is race an important reality or a fiction?” The promo video for the debate reached a large audience and the comments were on fire! This became one of the most anticipated debates of the decade.
But then Covid happened and it became impossible to organize live events because of the travel restrictions. Therefore, we were forced to postpone the debate until the restrictions would settle down again.
My latest update about the debate can be seen on Odysee and BitChute.
However, because the travel restrictions continue and there is no end in sight, I have decided to give in to harsh reality and host the debate online. Later, when the borders open up again, we will invite both gentlemen back to Europe and the Scandza Forum so that we can meet in person.
The good news is that you are all invited to watch it live as it happens! Not only will you be able to follow the debate live as it happens – you are also invited to participate in the Q&A with the speakers, which will take place directly after the debate. You can start sending your questions and comments already now via Entropy by clicking the green button (“send paid chat”).
The debate will be LIVE on Saturday, August 21, on Entropy, DLive, and Odysee at: 1pm L.A. / 4pm New York / 21:00 London / 22:00 Stockholm.
Make sure to join us this Saturday for an unforgettable debate between Jared Taylor and E. Michael Jones on the topic: Is Race an Important Reality or a Fiction?
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My family exists as a biological reality. My extended family exists. And of course my race/ people exist. Wherever Westmen exist you’ll find Western Civilisation which is an expression of our biospirit (instincts)
Claiming that white people don’t exist is called White Erasure. It reveals that the person doesn’t want white people to exist (when we obviously do)
Any argument that points towards an antiwhite conclusion should be dismissed as antiwhitism. Just as you would dismiss anyone who wanted to argue for harming your child. Their fancy “argument” is a disguise for their intentions. Their intentions are evil.
Nice! Been hoping EMJ would get called out on this. He is so good on so many things. Will it be recorded, or only live streamed?
Just look at autosomal dna clusters, case closed.
I really hope this is gonna be recorded, for a replay. EMJ is totally off base when he says that race is not real. The statistical data is everywhere. You can not seriously say something like that, and expect to be taken seriously. Did the tribe’s pressure get to him, and make him back off on some fronts? That seems exactly like something they would say. Actually they have said it. The racial differences are there to stare everyone in the face. What you do with that knowledge is up to you. Don’t waste the information. Don’t be just like the rest of the anti-whites that want Whites to be erased from the face of the earth.
Feels like I’m going to watch a battle between my parents.
However frustrating it must be do have been forced to host this debate online rather than a live debate, this is truly is highly anticipated event. Thanks for all your efforts!
It’s not that race is not real. It’s that “white” is not a race.
You are completely missing the point. Hear EMJ out.
Nice to see you organised it back. We’ll be waiting for the debate from Argentina. I’m a follower of emj and have beem following you since your first conversation with him on movies. Cheers!
“It’s not that race is not real. It’s that “white” is not a race.”
If that was his only contention, then that would be reasonable enough and worthy of debate. However, EMJ goes much further than this with his race denialism. I’ve specifically seen him claim that if your take a Sub-Saharan African and put him in Poland, as long as he learns the language, then he is as Polish as anyone else, and his kids will be Polish. Such a claim is absurd enough for me to have lost interest completely in anything else he might have to say.
It sure is real when you choose a home and a college.
You won…
1. If there is a second Debate you and Jared Taylor must agree on the moderator for Kulchur is railroading you with no opposition right after you left.
2. No one mentioned that God gave us a soul and that surpasses the race issue also do Kulchur and Jared Taylor even believe that they even have a soul for if not they are in the camp of the deceived, where Satan convinces the world that he doesn’t actually exists when (it) does…
3. Since no one was able to rebuttal after you left please do make a video of you listening and rebutting to set the record straight.
4. Lastly I need to to link this here, so help me God…
God is IN your DNA, don’t change it!
What I learned is the Jared avoids Jews and Mike avoids race.
I thought Jared had this thing all wrapped up…until very end when Jones pulled out the Trump card. Turns out these two do not even disagree about the biological reality of racial differences. Where they actually differ is telling. Jared Taylor appears to refuse to correctly identify the Jew as the underlying force behind the racial strife and destruction in the west. Jared was not able to make the simple statement that Jews aren’t “White” (as this term is currently used to describe ethnic Europeans broadly).
Checkmate for Jones as he absolutely DUNKS on Taylor.