January 16, 2022
Kulchur Lodge Radio #34 | with Semiogogue
NEW EPISODE – available now for members!
Kulchur Lodge Radio is an AMA hangout that streams live on Guide to Kulchur.
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
Recorded Jan. 16th, 2022. (2 hours)
Topics include:
► ’90s nostalgia and the seeds of destruction
► How the last decade has changed humanity
► The problems aren’t political anymore
► The key to political persuasion
► The Right has selected for this personality type
► Political pornography
► The key traits of a powerful orator
► Why women are important in political movements
► The mechanism of authority
► Geopolitics & Russia
► Why did the establishment narrative dramatically change on COVID?
► Danish media apologized for fake news on COVID!
► Are we in World War 3?
► What most people misunderstand about politics
► How the elites actually work
► This is where the conspiracy theorists are wrong
► The linear worldview is false
► What brought you to this political position?
► Over-domesticated Scandinavians
► My life mission
► The Right as Nietzschean slave revolt
► Don’t be too nice!
► The primary reason why people quit
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