November 10, 2022
Six Secrets of Social Success for Awkward Autistes
A lack of social skills is the single biggest threat to the Right.
It’s more important than the globalist power structure, the Left, and the Jewish lobby — all taken together.
Without social skills, you’re not able to cooperate in groups of more than one.
That means you can’t accomplish more than one man can do on his own.
In other words, your group will be crushed by every other group that’s even slightly more pro-social.
That’s why I invited Guillaume Durocher to discuss:
Six Secrets of Social Success for Awkward Autistes (and a Bonus Secret)
(Only for members!)
Many of us are “spergs” — especially in marginalized political circles.
(Not necessarily in the clinical sense, but in the casual meaning of the word: low on social skills.)
You may feel that you don’t belong in social situations. You may have a difficult time talking to women. You may have problems cooperating with others.
Gen Z has been betrayed in this respect. They have grown up interacting through screens, which has made them less well-adjusted than previous generations.
But that doesn’t mean you’re condemned to a life of loneliness and rejection and awkwardness.
Social skills are learned — you’re not born with them. (If you’re “spergy”, you just have to work a bit harder.)
And you SHOULD learn social skills. Failing to do so will make you miserable.
Social skills make you more successful with women. They make you well liked by your friends. They improve your professional life and make you more powerful.
In fact, if you don’t learn social skills, you become a burden (and in the worst case a threat) to everyone around you.
Improving social skills will do more than anything else to boost the success of our movement.
Guillaume Durocher joins me to discuss six simple principles that will improve your social skills immediately. They will transform your life, make you more effective, and improve the lives of those who interact with you… even if you’re a “sperg”.
(We also reveal how we personally want to be remembered when we’re dead!)
Listen to the interview now — only for members!
Praise for the interview:
“This interview with Guillaume is extremely good.“— American Krogan
“I genuinely needed to hear this interview this week. […] I have gotten a lot of value out of your work since I discovered you with the first Decameron and this was particularly meaningful for me.” — Anonymous listener
“It was such a nice surprise to learn you invited Guillaume, he’s by far my favorite podcast guest. You’ve got great flow talking together and I seriously think you have outdone yourselves with this one.
It’s absolutely excellent from start to end, very to the point and pleasant to listen to. […] It would benefit many men more than reading 10 books by J. Peterson.” — The Log
“Great topic. Valuable advice for a successful and happy life (and a stronger metapololitical movement) regardless of where you fall on ‘the spectrum.’ ” — Jasper
“On of my favorite guests. The Right needs more socialization and fewer spergs.” — IllTakeMyStand
“Just finished listening to the six secrets of social success, that turned out to be seven, and learned a lot from it.” — SJ
“This was great. Very helpful, concrete advice I think. Lots of important reminders too” — PGM
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