The Incel Question: Sexually Promiscuous Women and Rejected Men in the Zoomer Generation
Kulchur Lodge Radio #29 with Ryan Turnipseed. Kulchur Lodge Radio is an AMA hangout that streams live on Guide to Kulchur.
Listen to “Kulchur Lodge Radio #29 | The Incel Question, with Ryan Turnipseed” on Spreaker.
Recorded December 18th, 2021. Topics:
➣ Spiteful incels
➣ Sour grapes & feminism
➣ Incel vs. MGTOW
➣ Pick-up artists
➣ Are incels actually gay?
➣ Incels attacking women
➣ Losers in polygamous society
➣ All women want Genghis Khan
➣ The cruel mocking of incels
➣ Why men become incels
➣ How many % of zoomers are incels?
➣ Zoomer nihilism
➣ A generation betrayed by their parents
➣ Genderfluid & trans
➣ Social construction of the sexes is true
➣ Will zoomers even have kids?
➣ Zoomers only want instant pleasure
➣ The lack of social bonds
➣ Nihilism and the lack of heroism
➣ LGBT and leftist misanthropy
➣ Recluse purity spirals
➣ Liberalism as heroin ideology
➣ Becoming a complete man
➣ The future of religiosity
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1 comment
My boy Ryan killing it with the truth