VIDEO | The Great Debate: E. Michael Jones vs. Jared Taylor
The Great Debate | E. Michael Jones vs. Jared Taylor: Is Race an Important Reality or a Fiction?
Available now! Recorded Aug. 21, 2021.
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I want to thank everyone who has helped make the Great Debate possible: donors, moderators, the chat, live viewers, everyone who has helped promote the event, the post-debate commenters, and, especially, E. Michael Jones and Jared Taylor. At one point we had upwards of 7000 live viewers on all platforms taken together, which must be considered a tremendous success!
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This was a good debate to watch. Two highly intelligent men who should dialogue more. EMJ however is not much of a debater, he doesn’t like to have his ideas tested that’s for sure. He flipped flopped and uses sophistry against the moderator and JT any time they used the term white, but then EMJ used the term white repeatedly. He even by the end of the debate did admit there were biological differences between the race, but said it stopped at the mind, which he said was different from the brain. He was probably making a philosophical distinction that he should have explained as it didn’t make much sense. EMJ is correct about WHO is causing racial tension and conflict, the Jews. When white people were in control of their nations, they actually lessoned racial conflict through segregation. At the end of the day, the problem with EMJ’s premise is that if race is meaningless, how is it possible that Jews can weaponize something that is meaningless and just an artificial creation of the mind?
One thing I didn’t like is that virilant anti-christianity from the post-debate panel. They talk about respecting their ancestry, but then don’t give a crap about religion. Up until the 1950s/60s their relatives would have been christian for well over 1000 years. Did they lose their racial identity due to christianity? No, christianity collapsed in the west in the 50s at the same time as racial identity. These commentators seemed to mock “spiritual battle” as like some hollywood or cartoon construct.
With the spread of Christianity, nobody suddenly was told to stop being spanish, italian, german, etc. Culture was maintained. We see the disintegration of those european cultures in anglo- heritage countries. Where racial cultural identity has collapsed has been in english speaking colonies.
People won’t defend a godless country, people will defend and fight for their people spiritually. Unfortunately these moderators are still imbued with leftist liberal approach to christianity.
When that skin-head kept cherry-picking “there is neither jew nor gentile” out of the scripture it was speaking in terms of salvation. That every nation should be orientated and structured as the israelite nation was under god, that it wasn’t something reserved just for jews (a subset of Israelites).
There are such things are universal truths despite differences amongst race. Is stealing only wrong on relative terms?
Then the cultural currents guy got it wrong that the catholic church PROMOTED marriage of spanish catholics to the south american aboriginals.
This is wrong, the marriage of spanish men to south american women were pragmatic, since most european women would not embark on dangerous months long ocean journey to an hospital land. They would be a hinderance requiring protection, while the rest of the people were tamed and civilized.
For the french in Canada, they literally had to pay women huge sums of money to convince french women to go from France to Quebec to help populate the Quebec (I agree a better idea than marrying aboriginals), and only a few made the journey.
The panel have sadly been influenced by distorted liberalism when it comes to religion, so in terms of preserving our race, you fall into the enemies hands of abandoning the thing they hate, which is christianity and specifically that, catholicism.
So far I’m not sure how they expect taking back our nations unless they get themselves into the institutions that control and protect society, because even if a racially conscious white people grow especially men, but they stay out of religion, culture, education, government, media…. the increasingly diverse police and military will be used against us. No ammount of prepping will save our race unless we control the levers that influence our culture.
Jared Taylor grew up in Japan and he is debating about white people? Very strange. Thank you gentlemen for the interesting debate, just wanna say, read Dr Jones book Logos Rising Mr Taylor as well. It change my life
I’m not that much of a online reader to be honest but your sites really nice, keep it up! I’ll go ahead and bookmark your site to come back later on. All the best
Wow, I never saw this coming. Jared vs E.M.J ? I’ve been missing a lot lately.
But, like Christopher Reid superb comment in here, in which I agree 1000%, I myself felt really disappointed with this debate and the anti-Christian crowd.
EMJ seemed to be more interested in attacking Jared Taylor than debating him. EMJ has this weird reasoning in which he somewhat approves ethnicity as a reality, except race itself. I don’t get how the man doesn’t accept something that is mere matter of Set Theory applied to Biology! Make no, mistake I do admire EMJ a lot, but in this matter he is totally out of his element.
Jared squeazed him so much with his flawless logic that EMJ was forced to admit race was a real thing while not agreeing it was important, even though he insisted during the entire debate that it was fiction. He literally passed through the 3 stages of the truth according to Schopenhauer: First it’s ridiculed; second, it’s violently opposed; third, it’s accepted as self-evident.
First, EMJ ridicules the concept of race, somehow equivalling the term “white” to calling someone an “asshole”. Second, he attacks Jared Taylor, saying he was straw-manning everything, even accusing him of making part of a conspiracy with the Jews along with his wife. Then he admitted that it was obvious that race existed, but he didn’t care. lol
Mr Taylor maintened his class and impeccable eloquence till the end as always. I’m sure if this debate was longer and had more dialogue and FOCUS on the subject between both of these men, in the style of a JF Gariepy debate, EMJ would end up becoming a white nationalist himself. And maybe even Jared would become Catholic.
Ok, that’s asking a bit too much. One grace at the time! haha 😉
As a Catholic myself, I also didn’t expect learning from my Protestant fellow Mr Taylor that Hilaire Belloc said: “Europe is the Faith and the Faith is Europe”.
That was based! Gonna use that for sure! haha
Oh, and remember kids: race is real. 😉 14